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Contact lenses

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Completely safe, soft colorful eye contactslenses will change your look the moment you put them on. All of our contact lenses are usable for one year.

Cosmetic colorful lenses are safe and easy to use. Lenses have been colored with Nano Polar Printing (NPP) technique, which let the oxygen go through. Are you an owner of dark eyes? Don’t worry! Our contactlenses changes the color from dark-brown to blue as well!

Crazy-lenses have powerful pigment and/or with pictures. You can find the all-time favorites such as white outs and black outs, cat eyes in many colors, and also gorgeous anime and cosplay-contactlenses. Crazy-lenses are sold by piece, so you can mix and match too!

Magnifying lenses bring depthness and intensiveness into your glance. With special lenses you can make magic by changing your eyes into pink eyes!

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