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Finnish Cybershop™ strives to promote the realization of human rights, more equal and equal conditions for everyone through its own activities.
In accordance with the Pride idea, especially during Pride, we celebrate the diversity of humanity with the campaign, "Pride Around the Year". In our Cybershop™ online store and stores, though, Pride is celebrated all year round, and we will be supporting several different Pride events this year as well.

Cybershop™ also participates in several summer Pride events by sponsoring the events or donating part of the product sales of the Pride events to the local Pride event organizers. The values ​​of the rainbow community are close to Cybershop™'s heart!

There is still a lot of work to be done for a more equal homeland! What wonderful reasons to celebrate equality and support human rights now and in the future!

In the selection of the Cybershop™ online store and stores, you can find numerous Pride products, such as flags for the Pride parade that match the theme. In the Cybershop™ selection, you can also find, for example, accessories, jewelry, pins, mugs and make-up as rainbow products.
In addition to online shopping, Cybershop™ stores serve in Helsinki Asematunneli and Itis, as well as in Turku, Tampere and Oulu. You may also come across a We Speak Gay sticker in our online store and/or in our shop window.

In the summer of 2023, you will find a Cybershop™ stall at several Pride events. So it's worth following Cybershop™'s own Pride event calendar, so you can come say hello to us in the festive mood, and get Pride tickets and other rainbow accessories to take with you to the parade and/or park party.


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